About Us

What is RoboFlash ?

RoboFlash is an edtech company that specialises in establishing Robotics, Coding, AI, STEM, STEAM, Tinkering, 3D Printing, IoT, AR ,VR-based labs in schools. We provide the technology, curriculum, and trainers to help schools create innovative learning environments that engage students in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.

What are Innovation Labs ?

Innovation labs are dedicated spaces in schools powered by RoboFlash where students can engage in hands-on learning activities that align with the STEM curriculum. STEAM labs (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) are similar but include an emphasis on the integration of the arts and design thinking.

What Technologies we provide for Innovation Labs ?

RoboFlash provides a wide range of technology for labs, including robotics kits, 3D printers, coding platforms, and other educational tools. Our technology is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to students of all ages. RoboFlash also provides the coding platform which is a scratch and Arduino simulation-based platform.